April 30, 2024
We are happy to be able to offer pre-arranged group and school tours. Come and see how our sausage is made, talk with our staff and have a behind the scenes look at how your food is made. We are hometown proud and enjoy these tours as much as our customers.
April 30, 2024
Throughout the summer on various Saturdays’ we have a Pop-Up BBQ set up outside of our Seven Persons Store. Nothing is tastier the fresh Sausage on a Bun from the Barbecue. Take a Saturday drive and have a lovely day with friends and family! Follow our Facebook and Instagram stories to find out when these Pop-up BBQ’s are happening.
May 12, 2021
Every Saturday of the Mother’s Day weekend, we have our yearly Anniversary Sale and our small town holds its annual Family Fun Fair! Seven Persons welcomes well over 2500 people on this day. In our store we have 10% off sausage, door prizes and free coffee and baking!
July 2, 2020
Since 2009, the Biemans family in Seven Persons, have put on a Quonset Days fundraiser for ALS. The greatest party on dirt! And we always enjoy serving up lots of sausage and those huge Quonset Dogs for all the famished partygoers. The proceeds of our Quonset Dog sales go right to this cause.
November 1, 2019
Every November, we cater the HALO Helicopter fundraiser at the Seven Persons Hall. We are always pleased to offer a full catered meal for the 256 people who attend this event, and to give a donation to this important service.
September 7, 2019
We were happy to welcome the cyclists from the National Kids Cancer Ride on September 7, 2019. These cyclists are riding coast to coast to raise money and awareness specifically for kids cancer research. We were happy to be able to get them a donation towards this worthwhile cause.
August 18, 2019
We are happy to open our doors for Alberta Open Farm Days in August. We give tours, have a barbeque, and enjoy samples from amazing businesses we love to partner with, like Medicine Hat Brewing Company, Bean There Roasting Co, and many more.
October 31, 2015
We were very excited to be able to support the Water Run 2015. Congratulations to all the runners that helped raise funds to provide clean drinking water.
July 7, 2015
A great review on our Southwest Sausage from KJ & Kirby from MY96. Thank you, we are glad you enjoyed it!
October 18, 2014
On September 8, 2014, we said goodbye to the founder of Premium Sausage and our very dear friend Ralph Erb.
August 20, 2014